Y Senedd

Here at St Ethelwold’s we have introduced ‘Y Senedd’.

This consists of 5 different school council groups who are working towards promoting pupil voice across and developing different areas inside and outside of the classroom. 

There was an Election held where children could express their interest in becoming a part of one of the following groups: 

  • Criw Cymraeg 

  • Digital wizards 

  • Super Improvers 

  • Eco friendly  

  • Collective Worship. 

The children who are now representing the groups were chosen from names out of a hat and have now been informed of their success in becoming a team member in their chosen group. 

The pupils were very excited to be a part of the St Ethelwold’s Senedd and even more excited for their first meetings. They will be taking part in collecting pupils ideas, making changes or improvements in or around the school and evaluating the success of their actions. 

Who Are We

The school vision at St Ethelwold's VA School is to: "Be The Best You Can" "Bwddwch eich gorau". This vision cascades throughout the fabric of the school and is central to the work of the school. The school community believes that a strong commitment to effort will lead to high standards of attainment and achievement and also to the important life skills of perseverance and resilience. Effort will be both reported on and rewarded.

Where Are We

St Ethelwold's VA school

Melrose Ave,