Who's Who

Chair Of Governors

Mrs Abigayil Miller

Head Teacher

Mr Paul Oliver

Vice Chair of Governors

Mr Tim Byram

Foundation Governors

Mr Alan Rainsforth

Mr David Lloyd

Mr Tim Byram

Dr John Dyer

Foundation Parent Governors

Mrs Abigayil Miller

Parent Governors

Mr Antony Cartwright

Teacher Governor

Mr Andy Griffith

Staff Governor

Mrs Leanne Duggan

Community Governor

Cllr Gillian Brockley

Clerk to the Governing body

Dr Lisa Peters

Who Are We

The school vision at St Ethelwold's VA School is to: "Be The Best You Can" "Bwddwch eich gorau". This vision cascades throughout the fabric of the school and is central to the work of the school. The school community believes that a strong commitment to effort will lead to high standards of attainment and achievement and also to the important life skills of perseverance and resilience. Effort will be both reported on and rewarded.

Where Are We

St Ethelwold's VA school

Melrose Ave,