Parent Governor wanted!

St Ethelwold's VA School is looking for a Parent Governor.
Terry Axon has filled this role for the past 10 years and his term of office expires in November 2022.  Whilst Terry is willing to continue in the position, he is mindful that others may want the chance to become a school governor.
If you are interested in the role, please contact Mr Oliver via email before 3:15pm on Friday October 28th.  If more than one parent comes forward, we will hold an election in November 2022.
If you are in doubt or are worried that this might not be for you, please read the words  below of Sarah Owen.  We put out an advert four years ago for a governor and did not receive any responses and so we began to ask parents directly...
“4 years ago, I was approached about becoming a school governor. For me this was something I thought I would never be asked to do. I’m a normal Mum with a normal job, I thought I wouldn’t be the type of person that could become a school governor!But the thing I was missing in my assumption was that the type of person required is mainly someone who cares.  Someone who wants to give something back, someone who is interested in making a difference however big or small.The governing body is made up of people from the school, teaching staff, parents, the church and the local community. However, we need more parents on board!I can honestly say being asked alone made me feel like a valued member of the school community but being part of it all now is so rewarding.  Even though my children have moved on to high school I remain with St Ethelwold’s as it will always have a place in my heart."Do you ever feel like you would like to be more involved? Have your chance to help your children and their school be the best it can possibly be? Then why not consider joining the school governors?

Who Are We

The school vision at St Ethelwold's VA School is to: "Be The Best You Can" "Bwddwch eich gorau". This vision cascades throughout the fabric of the school and is central to the work of the school. The school community believes that a strong commitment to effort will lead to high standards of attainment and achievement and also to the important life skills of perseverance and resilience. Effort will be both reported on and rewarded.

Where Are We

St Ethelwold's VA school

Melrose Ave,